MedCenter 31 Day Pill Organizer

  • List Price: $33.95
  • Sale Price: $33.95

Product Description

The medcenter organizer allows you to organize a full month’s worth of medication or vitamins at a time. The organizer features thirty-one individual pill boxes that can be removed and taken with you as needed or remain with the organizer stand for ease of convenience. 31 Daily pill boxes organize your medications or vitamins by the month easy open lids on pill boxes allow for easy access to needed medications red & green color coding shows when daily dose is complete the standard pill box (included in the medcenter system and all other standard medcenter organizers) has an individual dose compartment which measures roughly 15/16" wide x 1" long x 3/4" deep on the inside. Each pill box contains four of these dose compartments. Because pills and vitamins differ greatly in overall size, in order to better answer the question of how many pills / vitamins will each pill box hold, we calculated the amount of advil and m&m candies would fit in each compartment and pill box: standard pill box(16) advil per dose compartment or (64) advil total per pill box(10) m&m candies per dose compartment or (40) m&m candies per pill box.


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