Large Swiss Pill Cutter (Gold)

  • List Price: $59.00
  • Sale Price: $59.00
  • Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours

Product Description

Many people recognize that they can save money by buying pills with larger dosages, and then cutting the pills in half or quarters to create a smaller dosage. Typically, people try a single edge razor blade or a sharp knife, or they get a cheap pill cutter at the drugstore. These methods work on some pills, but do a very poor job on many other pills. The drugstore pillcutters are normally made from plastic with a single edge razor blade. They don't cut pills that have a hard coating like Lipitor or Viagra or Crestor, and the razor blade dulls quickly and starts crumbling the pills. The Swiss Pill Cutters are very different. They were designed in Switzerland and are manufactured in the U.S. from tool-quality steel and anodized aluminum. They have top and bottom blades that easily and accurately split pills in half or quarters without crumbling. The blades will never wear out or need sharpening. They are truly the "Rolex" of pill cutters.


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