Premium Kegel Exerciser Weights for Bladder Control, Easier Labor & Recovery and Better Sex with 6 Pelvic Floor Stimulator Devices Training Kit for Women: Beginners & Advanced Kegel Exercises

    Product Description

    Perfect for Women suffering from:

    ► Embarrassing Leaks When Sneezing, Coughing or Laughing
    ► Weak Pelvic Floor Muscles Before And After Childbirth
    ► Urinary Stress Incontinence
    ► Low Confidence
    ► Ineffective Traditional Kegel Exercises

    Every woman can benefit from the Intimate Rose Kegel Exerciser Training Weights!

    The 6 pelvic floor exercise weights come with a training guide to give you everything you need to reduce incontinence and increase desire and satisfaction.

    In just a few short weeks of regular training, you will see results. After 1-2 months, you will have incredible bladder control, increased desire and satisfaction, and a much TIGHTER experience.

    The quick, discreet weights can be used any time. Simply insert your perfect weight and go about your day while your pelvic floor muscles get a workout in just 15 minutes. As you get stronger, you can incrementally increase the resistance for lasting results.

    The weights increase in heaviness from light to dark. Beginners and new mothers start with the lighter weights and progress to heavier weights over time. Experts can start with the darker colors to maintain their pelvic floor strength.

    The Intimate Rose Kegel Exercise Equipment and Pelvic Floor Training Kit includes:

    6 progressively heavier kegel weights, perfect for beginners to experts

    Convenient storage case

    Instruction manual with exercise program


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