Astroglide TTC Trying to Conceive Sperm-Friendly Personal Lubricant, 1.4 Fluid Ounce

    Product Description

    Planning to start a family is an exciting time in a couples life however with a limited number of fertile days per menstrual cycle, it can also bme stressful. Astroglide, a trusted personal lubricant brand, presents TTC (Trying to Conceive), a sperm personal lubricant. TTC's ultra-thin, natural feeling formula helps support fertility by creating a more sperm environment than traditional personal lubricants. TTC's natural feeling formula helps to moisturize, relieve friction and enhance the ease and comfort of sexual activity. TTC does not impede progressive mobility of sperm and temporarily relieves dryness. When trying to start a family, a lubricant can be extremely helpful in creating a more pleasurable experience.


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