Tecnu Original Outdoor Skin Cleanser, First Step in Poison Oak and Ivy Treatment, 12 Ounces

Product Description
When nature calls, don’t let an itchy, uncomfortable rash slow you down! Tecnu Original Outdoor Skin Cleanser is a unique poison ivy soap designed to remove the rash-causing oil (urushiol) from your skin, and other contaminated areas, after exposure to poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac plants. Our special cleanser can be used before the rash begins or as soon as possible after it surfaces to wash away oils that cause the rash, itching and spreading. When used within 8 hours of exposure to poisonous plants, Tecnu can remove poison oak and ivy oil before the rash begins. As a first step in rash prevention, simply apply Tecnu directly to dry skin, rub vigorously for two minutes and rinse with water. Once a poison plant rash has started, Tecnu will help remove any toxic oil on the skin, thereby removing the source of the spreading. This allows the natural healing process to begin unimpeded. For best results, use cleanser as soon as the rash emerges and apply to entire body. Apply to un-wetted skin, rub for two minutes, rinse in a luke-warm shower and towel dry. Repeat as needed. Poison ivy and oak oil can also be spread from contaminated clothing, shoes, gloves, tools and pets. Since urushiol does not evaporate, it can remain on contaminated items for months or even years at a time. Use the cleanser to wash off the oil from items and help avoid a rash from secondary contact. In addition to removing rash-causing oils, the special soap can also be used to remove sap, pitch, grease and tar from skin. It is also highly effective to remove skunk odor from a dog or pet. Apply to tools or gear to remove urushiol. Prior to use, test on a small area. Tecnu products are designed for those who love the outdoors, adventure and exploring. Our product collection includes Tecnu Original Outdoor Skin Cleanser, Tecnu Extreme Poison Ivy and Oak Scrub, Tecnu Rash Relief Spray and Calagel Anti-Itch Gel.