Sinol Headache Relief Spray, Migraine Cluster Tension (15 ml) (Set of 3)

    Product Description

    Sinol Headache by Sinol 15 ml Dropper Sinol Headache Nasal Spray is the first FDA registered all natural nasal spray developed for headaches. Sinol Nasal Spray contains all natural ingredients is safe and not addictive. One of these ingredients capsaicin is from the pepper plant. Capsaicin is a clinically proven analgesic or pain reliever. Clinical research and our vast customer base show an extremely high efficacy rate for migraine cluster tension and premenstrual headache sufferers. Hospitals Universities and Clinics around the world are using capsaicin for chronic headache patients with outstanding results. Headache pain can be stifling often incapacitating and certainly a handicap when chronic. The most common type of headache caused when blood vessels surrounding the eyes and forehead begin to spasm known as the class migraine attack. High blood sugar levels typically from sweets or alcohol or high hormone levels surrounding the monthly cycle in females along with stress hormones


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