o.b. Ultra Absorbency Tampons, 40 Count (Pack of 2)
Product Description
Fluid-Lock? grooves.
40 tampons.

o.b. tampons provide comfort and protection with less waste. View larger.

FLUID-LOCK grooves provide up to eight hours of protection*. View larger.
Designed for More Control, More Comfort
o.b. Ultra Absorbency Tampons feature a smarter tampon design, recognizing that applicators aren't necessary and that a finger can actually provide more control for inserting a tampon. If you're worried about using a tampon with no applicator, don't be, because o.b. tampons are designed to have you (and your finger) covered. A protective pocket surrounds your finger with soft fibers to help you stay clean and protected.
Expands to Custom-Fit Your Unique Body
Every woman's body is different. That's why o.b. tampons are designed to help stop leaks by expanding all around to custom-fit your unique shape.
It's All in the Grooves
Each o.b. Ultra Absorbency Tampon has FLUID-LOCK grooves that pull fluid into the tampon's core for locked-in leak protection you can wear for up to 8 hours*.
Protection for You and the Environment
Each time you use an o.b. tampon, you're adding one less applicator to a landfill or the ocean. In 2009 the Ocean Conservancy collected over 13,000 tampon applicators** along the US coastline. Since plastic applicators have a lifespan of anywhere between 500 and 1,000 years***, that trash won't be going away anytime soon.
o.b. tampons are free of elemental chlorine and use minimal packaging with 90 percent of the raw materials from renewable resources.
A Tampon Ahead of Its Time
o.b. tampons were designed in 1950 by Dr. Judith Esser, an avid swimmer who refused to be slowed down by her period. She was dissatisfied with the options of her day and wanted more protection and less of everything else. So Dr. Esser designed something innovative that became timeless: the o.b. tampon.
What's in the Box
o.b. Ultra Absorbency Tampons, 40-Count Boxes (Pack of 3).
* Use for eight hours maximum.
** Source: http://act.oceanconservancy.org/https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/hpc/detail-page/2010ICCReportRelease_pressPhotos/2010_ICC_Report.pdf
*** Source: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/explainer/2007/06/will_my_plastic_bag_still_be_here_in_2507.html
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