MediTestiTM Ovulation & Pregnancy Test - Includes 50 Ovulation Test Strips (LH Test) & 25 Early Pregnancy Test Strips (hCG Test)

    Product Description

    MediTestiā„¢ is the brand you can trust for Quality and Accuracy

    The top 5 reasons why MediTestiā„¢ is well suited for your fertility management
    - Clinically Accurate
    - Super Sensitive
    - Individually Wrapped
    - Results Within 5 Minutes
    - Easy to Follow Instructions

    100% customer satisfaction guaranteed

    How Ovulation Tests work
    Ovulation tests help you identify the two days of the month when you're most likely to get pregnant. There are changes in your body right before an egg is released from the ovary (ovulation). Ovulation tests work by detecting one of these changes, specifically the increase of luteinizing hormone (LH) levels in urine. The LH surge, as it is commonly called, precedes ovulation by 24 to 36 hours. Predicting your LH surge with an ovulation test enables you to identify the most fertile time of your cycle - the two days beginning with your LH surge.

    How Pregnancy Tests Work
    When you become pregnant your body starts to produce the pregnancy hormone, human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG). The amount of hCG in your body doubles approximately every 2 to 3 days, and reaches a maximum at around 7 to 12 weeks into the pregnancy. It stays at a higher than normal level for the rest of the pregnancy, and for up to 3 weeks after giving birth. This means that hCG is an ideal urinary marker for quickly and accurately assessing whether a woman is pregnant or not.

    Among hundreds of similar at home fertility tests in the market, MediTesti (hCG) Pregnancy Test Strips and (LH) Ovulation Tests ranks higher due to the reliability, accuracy and sensitivity the product offer to its customers for an extremely reasonable cost.

    Every woman has a dream to be a mother. These highly efficient Early Pregnancy Test Strips and Ovulation Predictor Kit paves the path to motherhood.


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